About Us

About Us
The Spastic Children's Association of Selangor & Federal Territory was established in 1960. It is a non-profit welfare based organization with the vision & mission dedicated to improve the quality of life for children with cerebral palsy through educational and rehabilitation programmes.
The Centre has a comprehensive range of facilies to carry out its work. Classrooms and therapy clinics, the facilities include sheltered workshop, a hydorotherapy pool, multi sensory room, a voctional training, a computer class, a library , Activities of Daily Living and music room.

Message from the President
YBhg. Dato' Hong Yee Keong, JP, DSSA
Founded in 1960, our Association is 60 years old, making us the oldest NGO in Malaysia dedicated to the education, rehabilitation and care of children with Cerebral Palsy.
Our Centre is a one-stop centre which provides a complete range of services for persons with Cerebral Palsy. We admit them as young as possible, as soon as they are diagnosed to have cerebral palsy. We have no exit age that is we provide services throughout their life. All our services are FREE OF CHARGE.
The range of services we provide include physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, hydrotherapy, hippotherapy, arts, handicraft, special education, recreational and competitive sports (up to Paralympics), music therapy, dancing, cooking, independent living skills, vocational training and sheltered workshops.
We rely on a team of 40 full-time staff assisted by a large group of volunteers.
Our Association is a Charitable NGO and relies for its funds from the generous public. Please contact us to find out in what ways you can donate to bring hope to these less fortunate children.
We hope our website will give you all the information you wish to know about us. Feel free to email us at [email protected] or call us on 603-7958 2393, 603-79550296. We will be only too happy to answer all your queries.
All donations to our Association are tax exempt.
Your Contribution = Their Hope
God Bless
The Sultan of Selangor Darul Ehsan, Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Alhaj Ibni Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Alhaj, is the Royal Patron of the Association.
The Association offers life-long FREE support to children with cerebral palsy through various services and programmes. The Association manages a day Centre which comprises of a Special Education School, Vocational Training, Sheltered Workshop and Rehabilitation Centre.
The School Section
Carries out teaching in special education as well as extra-curricular activities including sports, music, outings, art and craft. Children with cerebral palsy are encouraged to be admitted at an early age to the Early Intervention Program (Pre-School), learning elementary academics and also attend regular therapy sessions. The School is divided into two categories. Children who are academically inclined are taught the mainstream curriculum while others are taught a special curriculum tailored to suit the individual's needs and abilities with special emphasis on functional skills and living skills.
Vocational and Sheltered Workshop
Children who are placed in the Vocational Classes are taught basic independent, social and living skills. We have a Sheltered Workshop where the students do cross-stitch, bookmarks, greeting cards and other handicrafts and also do packing kind of activity e.g. packing of gloves, for which they are paid a token sum as an allowance. This payment qualifies them to be recognised as "bekerja" and be entitled to a monthly "Elaun Pekerja Orang Kurang Upaya (EPOKU)" of RM 450.00 from Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Malaysia.
The Rehabilitation Centre
Provides a comprehensive range of treatments covering physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, hydrotherapy and Riding with the Disabled (RDA) to the children at the school. Out-patient services are extended to the children who are unable or not ready to enrol full time at the school